Back To School


The fall is a great time to re-charge
your creative batteries
I’m excited about teaching a new
Modern Painting Class
at North River Arts Society
Tuesdays 9:30 -12:30
Beginning September 8

Beach Barns 12 x 12 oil

This fun class is designed for experienced painters working in any medium, who want to explore a more expressive and contemporary approach to their work. We’ll explore new ways to manipulate the abstract elements of line, shape, color, and value to express an unexpected idea or statement. Through a series of quick, fun exercises, we’ll learn how to let go of just copying what is in front of us and let our intuition guide us. This is not a “how to paint” class, rather a place to have fun and experiment with fellow artists. We’ll be working independently from still life and/or photos. Cut paper collage may be introduced along the way. 

Specific materials needed will be emailed each week.