Painters and Poets show


I’m delighted to be a part of the Painters and Poets show
at the Art Complex Museum in Duxbury
this Saturday and Sunday from 1-4.

“Star Tulips”
12 x 12
All the pieces in the show are inspired by
the poem ”This World” by Mary Oliver.
Here is my statement;

“The line in Mary Oliver’s poem This World;
“The tulip feels the heat and flaps it’s petals open and becomes a star” inspired this painting. I’ve always loved tulips and buy bunches for my kitchen counter right after the holidays. Watching them open and flourish in the vase is always welcome in late winter. The last phase, when they all droop; almost resigning themselves, is my favorite. I tried to capture that in this painting. And I never realized that they look like a star when acting that way.”