The Jennifer Pochinski workshop I’m taking is aptly named
“Opening Doors”.
I’m certainly exploring some approaches and ideas
and it’s literally “opening me up”.
Last week we worked from random photos,
collaging them in an unexpected way.
The idea was to create a made-up narrative.
I cut up old images printed on copy paper
and re-arranged them.
I’ve painted all of these figures before, so doing this was like
inviting them all to a big party.
They were originally all on the beach,
so I’m not sure how they ended up in a back yard
but that's the fun of creating a narrtive!
Here is the “collage” I worked from:
I’m excited to take this approach further
and here is another “start” using figures from old images.
No idea where to take this, but we’ll see!
This week we are doing self-portraits and
I can’t wait to see what everyone does.
So much to explore!!