More Massing


I’m continuing to explore the idea of
massing shapes to begin a painting,
as opposed to drawing or outlining the objects or subject.
It’s a total departure from my usual approach
so it’s a bit daunting,
yet I’m finding that it allows for more personal expression
and less copying the subject.


Here’s a quick “mass in” I did first
from the image below.


Here’s where it is after a few days of
looking and changing and tweaking.
I added the two figures with umbrellas from another image,
deleted the ocean, roughed it up a bit, and cropped it.


This is a great way to push yourself passed the impulse
to make everything “perfect”.
A little awkwardness and a few unexpected elements add
a more personal statement.


The on-line Modern Painting class at Rockport Art Association is full.
However, I’m going to be teaching a LIVE plein air version of it
at North River Arts in June.
Stay tuned.
