Abstracting the Landscape


I’m not sure I’ll ever be a “full on” abstract painter
but I’m always looking for ways to make my work
less representational and more expressive.
This week I took it further than ever before in this “abstract” landscape.
My inspiration was that first day in spring
when the bright yellow forsythia pops in the midst
of all the muted purples and greys of winter.
No reference!


As you can imagine, this went though many
stages and versions and I was confused and frustrated
during most of the process.
But WOW.
It was great fun to let go
and just let the painting happen!
This could get interesting!

I got so involved while doing this,
I didn’t get any progress photos.
However, this is about where it started.

IMG_4884 (1).jpeg

Limited pallet of yellows, purples, sap green
and brilliant blue in oils and oil sticks.
I used a pallett knife and some scrapers
to push and pull the paint around.
After this, my main focus was
to keep it from looking like
a “real” landscape!