Back to Oils


Last week I found a stack of square wood panels
(8 x 8, 10 x 10 , 12 x 12)
that I’d toned with bright acrylic colors.
After working with acrylics on paper lately,
I thought it’d be fun to get out the oils and
do some quick simplified architecture pieces.

IMG_4256 (1).jpeg

Lighthouse Road
12 x 12 oil

It was great fun to work with thick, juicy paint again!
(Everything is better with butter)

Then this one evolved after many “scrapes and bruises”
and it’s going to sit for awhile.
I’d forgotten how you can scrape and re-apply paint
using oils on a flat surface!



This was one of the early versions.
Too boring and expected.


Here’s another attempt.
Too many same sized shapes.
