Destructing A Painting


Many of the new artists I’ve been discovering lately
paint very intuitively;
applying paint freely, then scrapping and re-applying.
I watched a demo of Martin Campos painting the figure today
and got inspired to try it.
I did this in oil over the acrylic block in below.


In both I used a limited pallet
(a blue, red, yellow black and white)
and tried not to get too hung up on the subject or drawing.
I applied the paint loosely and did a lot of scraping.

IMG_1578 (1).jpg

For me, this is a very sophisticated and fascinating way to paint.
No guidelines; just you and the paint.

I’ve wanted to paint the figure for a while now
but haven’t had a model, so I used this still shot
I took from a scene in
Bohemiam Rhapsody
