Designing with Values


We talked about using value as a compositional tool
in the Modern Painting class this week.
To me, a well designed value plan is the foundation for a strong paintng.
We began by designing two different value plans of a simple subject.


Here are two versions a student did from a photo.
The idea is to make value decisions based on what is best for the painting,
not just copy what is in front of you!

Below is the image I used for the “demo” I did
while everyone worked.


I chose this value plan to accent the light on the tomatoes,
instead of the back-lit version in the image.


And this is how I translated it into color,
comparing the values to the study


I was so excited about the work everyone did and regrettably,
I can’t share all the images of the work done. .
This group of diverse and multi-talented artists
are inspiring me to revisit these ideas and approaches
so I’m looking forward to what’s to come!